Ed’s Guide to Deaf Awareness

Deaf Awareness

Deaf awareness.  The mainstay of every deaf person's requirements on the rest of the population to communicate with us and be inclusive. We strive every day and, yet, we are constantly surprised by the situations that comes about - namely the ones that are misconceptions about deaf awareness from other people - for example - …

Petition: Save Specialist Support for deaf children in the UK

Without specialist support for my deafness throughout my childhood, I think I would have been in a very bad position compared to where I am today. Thanks to specialist support through my teachers of the deaf, I was able to learn what I needed from the National Curriculum, become independent and basically be the man …

Can you lip read Spiderman?

Subtitled screenings

Sitting down with a bag of popcorn to watch the latest Spiderman instalment at your local cinema, you may leave few minutes into the film. It’s hard to lipread Spiderman. And meanwhile you’re deaf. How will be discern what the web producing superhero is saying? You’re throwing the popcorn at the screen in boredom and …